6 Signs Your Wisdom Teeth Need To Be Extracted

12 July 2017
 Categories: Dentist, Blog


To maintain a healthy, appealing smile, you should brush and floss as recommended and visit your dentist for periodic cleanings and exams. While these tasks are essential for your oral health, certain conditions may still arise that affect your smile. Considering the wisdom teeth are the last teeth to erupt, most adults do not place effort into understanding these final developing molars.  In some instances, the eruption of the molar teeth is not problematic. However, many individuals experience issues that not only cause pain and discomfort, but also affect the surrounding teeth. If you are experiencing one or more of the following signs, it is most likely time to extract your wisdom teeth.


One of the most obvious signs that there is an underlying dental issue is pain and discomfort in the mouth and jaw area. Of course, pain in your mouth does not always mean your wisdom teeth have erupted. Your dentist will need to conduct a thorough exam to determine the cause of your pain.

Wisdom teeth can cause pain if they come in crooked, overcrowding surrounding teeth. In addition, the pain may be a result of an impacted wisdom teeth, which occurs when the tooth cannot push through the gum tissue.

Living with the pain and discomfort is possible, but it is best to consult your dentist about extracting the wisdom teeth.


If your wisdom teeth have erupted and have caused swelling and redness on the surrounding gum tissue, it is time to have them removed. While it may be prominent in the teeth and gum tissue, this swelling can spread to the jaw, causing more pain.

In some instances, touching the swollen gums can cause the tissue to bleed. Be sure to use a soft-bristled toothbrush and gentle motions when brushing your teeth and gum tissue.

Sinus Problems

When the wisdom teeth erupt in the top part of the back of your mouth, the excess pressure can affect your sinuses. The more these molars grow and develop, the more pressure is placed on your sinuses. If you are experiencing the following sinus problems, your wisdom teeth are most likely the cause:

  • Stuffiness
  • Sinus Headaches
  • Runny Nose
  • Nose Bleeds
  • Sore Throat
  • Ear Aches

Mouth Sores

Without removing the impacted, problematic wisdom teeth, the excess swelling can cause sores and cysts to develop inside the mouth. These small sacs of fluid on the gum tissue, tongue, or interior of mouth are not only painful, but they can also affect the underlying roots of your teeth.

An efficient removal of the wisdom teeth is essential if you want to avoid painful sores and severe damage to other teeth.


Food particles, plaque, and bacteria can easily become trapped in between an impacted wisdom tooth and gum tissue, resulting in an infection that is difficult to treat.

Known as pericoronitis, this infection causes pain throughout the teeth, gum tissue, and mouth as well as swelling in the gum tissue, mouth, and head. In severe cases, the swelling from pericoronitis can prevent a person from opening their mouth completely.

A thorough cleaning by a dentist using antibacterial solutions and prescription antibiotics are necessary for treating this infection. However, your dentist will also need to perform an extraction of your wisdom teeth.

Unexplained Headaches

Most people get a headache from time to time. From stress and fatigue to high blood pressure or an unhealthy diet, there are many causes of headaches. If your doctor is unable to explain your chronic headaches, consult your dentist.

An x-ray will determine if your wisdom teeth are in the process of erupting, which can cause you to have headaches. These headaches may or may not stop once the teeth have finally erupted, but removal will most likely be recommended.

It is important to use wisdom when judging whether your wisdom teeth are becoming issues for your health and wellness. With this guide and your dentist's help, you will understand the signs that your wisdom teeth need to be extracted. Work with dentists like Matthew C. Cheney, DMD to learn more.