Invisalign Versus Traditional Braces: Which Is Right For You?

28 April 2015
 Categories: Dentist, Blog


If you are looking to correct your crooked or poorly spaced teeth, traditional braces and Invisalign aligners are two of the most effective options your orthodontist will be able to offer to help you accomplish this goal. While both of these options have been proven quite effective in the straightening of teeth, neither option will be right for every patient. This is because braces and aligners vary dramatically in the pros and cons which they have to offer.

Option #1: Invisalign

The Pros

  • Virtually Invisible - The clear aligners that are used by this option are virtually invisible when worn. This allows patients to correct tooth spacing and alignment issues without having a negative impact on the way their teeth look during the treatment process.
  • Removable - Invisalign aligners can be easily removed at any time without the need to visit an orthodontist. However, it is important to note that removing these aligners on a regular basis can impact the overall results that you see.

The Cons

  • Requires Frequent Appointments - A new aligner is required approximately once every two weeks when using Invisalign to straighten teeth. Not only is this need for frequent appointments inconvenient for many patients, but it may also greatly increase the overall cost of correcting your tooth alignment problems.
  • Not Effective In Severe Cases - The use of Invisalign is not typically effective in cases where significant tooth movement must be accomplished. If you have a large overbite or severe spacing issues, the results you see may be less than ideal when choosing this tooth alignment option.

Option #2: Traditional Braces

The Pros

  • Better Control - The fact that metal braces use brackets that are attached directly to the teeth allows orthodontists to enjoy greater control over the movement of the teeth. This can prove extremely important when trying to correct issues such as a severe overbite.
  • Highly Effective - Traditional braces remain the most effective way to correct overbites, back bites, cylindrical tooth movements, and vertical tooth movements. In many cases, the use of traditional braces will be the only option available in the treatment of these severe alignment problems.

The Cons

  • Long-term Commitment - Traditional braces will often need to be worn for a couple of years in order to achieve maximum results. After these braces are removed, a retainer must also be worn for several years in order to prevent the teeth from moving back into their original position. This type of long-term commitment is not right for everyone.
  • Appearance - Many people, especially adult patients, find the appearance of metal braces to be less than appealing. While this is simply a cosmetic issue, it is an issue that will often prevent individuals from seeking out the benefits that metal braces have to offer.

The Bottom Line

The severity of your dental problems, your ability to commit to a long-term solution, and your personal preference will all play a role in determining which tooth straightening option is right for you. For more information, contact Wright Center For Orthodontics or a similar location.