What Everyone Needs To Know About Receding Gums

23 November 2015
 Categories: Dentist, Blog


Do your gums look as though they are fading away? Perhaps this is something that you have watched happen gradually over time. If so, you may have an oral condition referred to as receding gums. It occurs as a result of gum tissue pulling away from teeth. Intervention from a dentist is necessary to confirm a diagnosis of receding gums. People who do not go to their dentist in a timely manner to get confirmed diagnosis could place themselves at risk for more serious complications such as their teeth falling out or needing to be extracted if disease is the cause for their receding gums. The following will give you more insight on receding gums and possible treatment options.

When Receding Gums are not the Due to Disease

Some people have receding gums due to hereditary factors or hormonal changes. There are others with abnormal tooth positioning that may cause issues such as crowded teeth or teeth clenching and grinding to occur. Oral piercings, nail biting, and aggressive brushing and flossing are all examples of personal habits or choices that could lead to you having recessed gum lines. 

When Receding Gums are Considered Serious

Receding gums are generally considered as an acute condition. If they advance to the point that they start to cause serious problems, they can be considered chronic. Examples of serious signs associated with receding gums are exposed roots, sensitive teeth, loosened teeth, gum inflammation, bad breath or cavities that extend below the gum line. These signs are considered serious because they could be a sign that periodontal disease is causing the gums to recede. 

Possible Outcomes for not Getting Timely Treatment

If you have gum disease that is causing your gums to recede, the bacteria will eventually invade your teeth where decay will start. The process can take years, but if you are never treated, the bacteria may result in tooth loss as well as bone tissue loss. The bacteria may also release toxins which can contaminate your blood supply and cause other health problems. 

What to Expect if Tooth Loss Occurs

If you lose teeth in the process due to recessed gums or have to have extractions, you will need prosthetic replacements for the missing teeth. Advanced gum disease that affects bone tissue may make it impossible or costly to get dental implants. This is because dental implants require adequate bone tissue to stay in place.

Your dentist may be able to initiate bone grafts to encourage bone tissue to regenerate. Alternatively, you may receive a recommendation as a candidate for dentures, a dental bridge or partial dentures to preserve your facial structure and the position of any remaining healthy tooth structures. Your dentist is the best resource to use to determine which prosthetics are an ideal match for your situation. Early intervention will allow them the best chance at preserving your natural teeth and not needing prosthetics. Contact a local dentist, like Rose City Dental Care, for more information.