A Quick Guide To Whitening And Removing Stains From Your Teeth After You Have Worn Dental Braces

14 June 2017
 Categories: Dentist, Blog


If you will soon be free of dental braces, it's important to have a realistic expectation of what your smile will be like at that time. Unfortunately, many patients who have worn braces for a significant period of time don't realize that plaque or stains can accumulate under the braces, requiring whitening treatments.  In addition, slight reshaping and dental bonding is a good choice if, after the braces are removed, you notice that one tooth is not perfectly in line with the rest of your teeth. Similarly, dental bonding can help a few years from now if you notice that your teeth have slipped a bit out of line. Therefore, it's a good idea to be familiar with the information shared below as you near the time when your braces are removed.

Dental Whitening After Braces

If you notice excess plaque when your braces are removed,  your on-going need for dental care might not be over since cosmetic dentistry may be able to further improve your smile. Alternatively, you might notice spots or stains in the same areas of your teeth where your braces were previously.

Fortunately, both issues can often be addressed with whitening services, which might also be known as teeth bleaching. Some patients achieve full success in a single visit, while some stains do not react as favorably. Professional whitening treatments are known to provide better results than those you can access at home. Some stains, especially those that are within the teeth instead of merely being on the surface of the teeth, are not candidates for whitening treatments. In that instance, your cosmetic dentist might suggest dental bonding, which is discussed in the next section. 

Dental Bonding For Deeper Stains Or Minor Issues

Dental bonding is a popular choice for a variety of cosmetic dental concerns. Specifically, it is appropriate for those stains that have found their way to the inner portion of one or more teeth and have not reacted as you would prefer to being whitened. It can also be used to create the illusion of perfectly straight and even teeth in the future, if one of your newly corrected teeth dares to find its way slightly out of place.  

Dental bonding is a process that includes the use of a resin that is matched as closely as possible to your other teeth. It is applied to the front of each tooth that has the staining as a cover-up or can be used to fill in areas where a tooth is smaller than those around it or is not perfectly aligned. Its use creates the illusion of perfectly sized and identically shaded teeth. It is shaped to the specifications of each tooth that needs its help and, assuming that you take care of it, can last for years.      

In conclusion, while braces are often necessary to fix overbites, underbites and other examples of crooked teeth, they might also permit plaque to accumulate beneath them. Since straight teeth with a significant plaque buildup are probably not what you want after your time in braces, cosmetic dentistry is likely to be the next step to consider on your quest for a perfect smile. As a result, the above information will be quite useful to you as you near the time where your braces need to be removed.