Three Ways To Make Your Smile More Youthful

25 September 2018
 Categories: Dentist, Blog


You want a younger-looking smile and you don't know what you can do to improve the way your teeth look. As you age, your teeth naturally become discolored and shift as your jaw bone shifts as well. The result is an aging smile that you feel self-conscious about.

Your dentist can perform a variety of cosmetic procedures to improve your smile and help you feel good about yourself. Here are three ways to make your smile more youthful. Discuss these options with your dental professional.

Teeth whitening

While you can whiten your teeth at home, the results are often uneven and you can damage your teeth and gums in the process. Instead, ask your dentist about professional teeth whitening. Teeth whitening takes several layers of stains off your tooth enamel to reveal whiter, naturally healthy-looking teeth. You can choose the shade you want your teeth to look like when finished so you have a youthful smile that looks realistic.

Your dentist will help you select the right tooth-whitening shade for your needs. You may have to undergo a few teeth-whitening treatments to maintain your youthful smile.


Your jaw bone changes shape when you get older, causing your teeth to crowd or pull inward. Your smile can be corrected with aligners, braces, and other teeth-straightening techniques. Adults can get braces just as teens can; talk to your dentist about braces and the price options you have for the procedure, as well as the different types of braces you can choose from.


Are your teeth short or uneven? Do you have chips in your teeth or feel uncomfortable with the uneven size of your most visible teeth? If so, then you can consider veneers to correct your smile and give it a more attractive, mature appeal.

Your dentist places a porcelain cap over your teeth, which is what the veneer is, then shapes the cap so it looks the most natural and appealing for your mouth and face shape. Your dentist can place veneers over a majority of your teeth or just the ones that are revealed when you smile. You brush and floss veneers just like normal teeth.

You can change your smile in a lot of ways. Cosmetic dentists can help you choose the right dental procedure for your needs, and offer recommendations on improving your smile for a more youthful appearance. Contact dental clinics like Kemper Pond Dental for more information.